Object : Thierry Boutonnier proposal for the Cecile Azoulay invitation to San Servolo.

« The Eco-architec presents a new plan to save Venice from Flooding »

OH, Venice! Venice! When thy marble walls
Are level with the waters, there shall be
A cry of nations o’er thy sunken halls,
A loud lament along the sweeping sea!

“Ode to Venice”, part 1 , Lord Byron, 1819.

« The opening up of new markets and the organizational development from the craft shop and factory to such concerns as US Steel illustrate the process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one … [The process] must be seen in its role in the perennial gale of creative destruction; it cannot be understood on the hypothesis that there is a perennial lull. »

« The Process of Creative Destruction » by Joseph A. Schumpeter, 1942
Creative destruction, Per the text, this process is also known as Schumpeter’s Gale.

Introduction :

In these times of financial crise, subprime crises, global warming and of biennial of architecture, the hour is coming for Venice to have only eyes to cry or look at. I will formalize these delirious during a conference of an Eco-architect. The implementation of the action will articulate this nonsense which consists in treating the cause and not the origin. The economy, the ecology and the body will meet themselves during an absurd and utopian demonstration. Thanks to the figure of an Eco-architec, I will show how hope is fed by fear and these turn as a kind of vanity.

Explanation :

An Eco-architect presents a new plan to save Venice from Flooding during a conference.

The project should give us the hope, at same the time, it’ll denounce our vanity. I’ll use drawing, models, video, … all the common tool to show a great dike project.

I’ll present an innovating project based on plastic recycling. The plan to save Venice consists in transforming the « Great Pacific Garbage Patch » in a post-modern dycke for Venice, that is to say, an artificial sponge-lung. The three steps to make the Dike :
_Build Off-Shore center to recycle the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in order to make the raw material.
_Transform the raw material in a foam plastic sponge in High technologies industries of the Pô cluster.
_Place these spongy modules in strategical flood sites of the lagoon.

Argument :
An opportunistic context : the Biennal of architecture. I will add one more project  to save venice.
Resolve an ecologic matter and protect a cultural site. Both are possible !
At the difference of the pharaonic project : MOSE. My solution thinks the breathing.
Franco Raggi, Ugo La pietro, Christo or Cattelan inspire forms.
The lagoon is a porous space which helping the breath between the earth and the sea. A Lagoon appears   to me as a sponge or a lung. They proceed for a purification.


Ô Venise !

« O Venise ! Venise ! Lorsque tes murs de marbre seront de niveau avec les ondes, alors les nations pousseront un cri sur tes palais submergés, et une lamentation bruyante se prolongera sur les flots qui t’engloutiront ! »

Lord Byron in « Ode à Venise »
« Ce processus de Destruction Créatrice constitue la donnée fondamentale du capitalisme : c’est en elle que consiste, en dernière analyse, le capitalisme et toute entreprise capitaliste doit, bon gré mal gré, s’y adapter. »

Joseph Schumpeter in « Capitalisme, socialisme et démocratie »

En marge de la Biennale d’architecture de Venise, présentation d’un projet d’anticipation basée sur la notion de recyclage des détritus et ainsi transformer le « Great Pacific Garbage Patch » en digue d’éponge-poumon en 3 phases. Une hyper-hydratation émerge durant la conférence …

A lire en rapport : http://www.domestication.eu/actions/spongy-lung/